Customer Stories


Comprehensively Valuing Battery Storage in California

The Brattle Group, funded by the California Energy Commission through a contract with Eos, studied the economic benefits of energy storage in California. Enelytix assessed battery storage value across various market conditions and system costs from 2013 to 2016. The study found that, in many cases, the stacked benefits of battery storage are comparable to recent estimates of new battery costs.

The Value of Distributed Electricity Storage in Texas

As battery costs decrease, Oncor Electric Delivery Company studied grid-integrated storage economics in Texas. Enelytix assessed costs and revenue projections under various weather conditions. The study showed benefits from storage deployment but indicated limitations in scaling investments solely by merchant developers in the Texas wholesale market.

Planning for High Levels of Renewable Penetration

A study on best practices for integrating renewables in Caribbean island systems. Enelytix analyzed the operational flexibility of wind, solar, battery, and flywheel technologies. Simulations evaluated regulation needs, system flexibility for renewable ramps, contingency events, thermal generation requirements, and renewable curtailments. Enelytix was the primary tool for valuing operational dynamics impacting planning decisions in small island systems.