
Asset Valuations

ENELYTIX® platform is an ideal modeling environment for a quantitative assessment of the value energy assets and contracts. ENELYTIX® computed discounted cash flow combine revenues and costs in the energy, capacity, ancillary services, and compliance (e.g. RECs) markets obtained with hourly and nodal granularity.  With cloud-based parallelization, users run multiple future scenarios to incorporate into their valuations key risk factors with ease and at record turn-around times. A multi-scenario approach combined with short turn-around simulation times make ENELYTIX® uniquely suitable for valuing individual generation assets, physical portfolios as well as hybrid portfolios including physical assets, tolling contracts and power purchasing agreements.

Market forecast

ENELYTIX® provides unique capabilities in forecasting energy markets at a scale, granularity and level of operational details not attainable with legacy tools. ENELYTIX® provides fundamentals-based forecasts strongly grounded in underlying physics and engineering, accurate representations of market economics, representation of decision processes and price formation mechanisms. Whether your forecasting horizon is day-ahead or the next quarter of a century, you can configure ENELYTIX® to provide a forecast that is robust, meaningful and commensurate with supporting information.

Policy analysis

ENELYTIX® agile modeling of system operation under specific market is extremely helpful in regional policy analyses and market design studies. With ENELYTIX® it is equally straightforward  to study the impact on all stakeholders of new pay for performance policy, ancillary service product, reserve demand curve or geographical market expansion. ENELYTIX® results have been battle tested through adversarial regulatory hearings, investment support studies and trading strategies.

Market design

ENELYTIX® engine PSO is scalable, robust and flexible.  Taking its roots in actual MMS engines, PSO could be used to run actual markets.  It could also be used as a prototype ENELYTIX® agile modeling of system operation under specific market is extremely helpful in regional policy analyses and market design studies. With ENELYTIX® it is equally straightforward  to study the impact on all stakeholders of new pay for performance policy, ancillary service product, reserve demand curve or geographical market expansion. ENELYTIX® results have been battle tested through adversarial regulatory hearings, investment support studies and trading strategies.

Project prospecting and development

If you are overwhelmed with uncertainties brought about by swelling new project queues trying to decide if and where to site your new project, a detailed analysis using ENELYTIX® will help you navigate uncertainty and manage risk.  With nodal level expansion modeling you can identify the best interconnection alternatives. Using ENELYTIX® energy and ancillary services market modeling, you can asses your costs, revenues, curtailment risk, basis risk, and emission reduction credits.

Cost-benefit studies

ENELYTIX® is an ideal modeling environment both for simple and highly sophisticated cost-benefit studies of any kind – regulatory policy measures, market changes, generation or transmission investments, new technology introduction. Based on the realistic modeling of the physics, market economics and price formation mechanisms, ENELYTIX® results are accurate, robust and can withstand the utmost regulatory scrutiny and investor’s due diligence assessment.

Integrated resource planning

With the growing reliance on variable weather dependent generation technologies, sophisticated demand-side options and environmental regulation, integrated resource planning has become significantly more complex than just a decade ago.  
With ENELYTIX®, planners can navigate that complexity by developing a resource mix that strikes the optimal balance between capital costs, operational expenditures and environmental regulations.  The developed plans integrates own generation both conventional and variable, power purchasing agreements, demand-side measures, behind
the meter distributed energy resources, storage, and transmission solutions.
Comprehensive ENELYTIX® modeling capabilities integrated long-term optimization operational energy and ancillary services modeling and resource adequacy assessment thus assuring that the developed plan is operationally feasible and reliable.

Transmission studies

With its unique capabilities to model dynamic changes in transmission topologies, conduct full N-1 security screening iteratively with SCUC, SCED and system expansion planning, ENELYTIX® is instrumental in transmission studies ranging from modeling the effect of transmission maintenance schedules to the assessment of economic benefits of transmission expansion projects, assessment of Grid Enhancement Technologies (GETs) and quantifying contribution of transmission to resource adequacy. ENELYTIX® computes a full spectrum of benefit metrics used in regional and inter-regional transmission studies.