
Expansion Planning

Expansion Planning is a long-term problem that evaluates installation and retirement of generation and transmission in response to future system demand while maintaining reliability, minimizing costs, and meeting local, state, and federal policies. Planning time-horizons range from years to decades.
ENELYTIX® offers unparalleled system expansion planning capabilities that are fully integrated with resource adequacy, production costing and P2X functionalities at the data and process levels.
Capacity expansion can be optimized both at the zonal and nodal level incorporating multiple constraint layers including the detailed network representation of a production costing model, capacity requirements replicating the design of capacity markets, environmental constraints in place and/pr proposed at the federal, state and local levels, and fuel supply limitations.
Flexible locational and temporal granularity of ENELYTIX® offers accurate and computationally efficient optimization of the location and sizing of storage technologies.

Production costing and market emulation

Production Cost Modeling (PCM) is a power system planning problem that solves security constrained economic dispatch and unit commitment to minimize production costs (e.g. fuel, maintenance, sales and purchases) and locational value of energy projects. Planning time-horizons range from days to years, modeled on an hourly and sub-hourly (down to 1 minute) time step. 
ENELYTIX® engine PSO provides highly accurate results because it can closely mimic Market Modeling Systems (MMS) of actual markets actual market engines.  It can emulate Day-ahead, reliability assessment commitment and real-time market operation in a single run. PSO offers unique transmission modeling capabilities, truly optimized operation of storage and hybrid resources, emulates decision behavior under uncertainty and price formation mechanisms under scarcity conditions.

Resource adequacy

ENELYTIX® offers chronological Monte Carlo modeling of energy system reliability ranging from traditionally simplified representations of energy systems to the advanced high-fidelity assessments with accurate representations of operational and grid constraints.  
Systems with significant levels of variable weather-driven energy resources are increasingly dependent on weather and the impact of extreme weather events.  The use of high-fidelity adequacy models resolves the failure of traditional tools in addressing resource adequacy and operational reliability of power systems.
ENELYTIX® provides uniquely accurate and computationally efficient tools for assessing resource adequacy and operational reliability at all levels and timeframes.

Market design sandbox

ENELYTIX® engine PSO is scalable, robust and flexible. Taking its roots in actual MMS engines, PSO could be used to run actual markets. It could also be used as a prototype of market design changes ranging from modeling innovative ancillary services, advanced scheduling and price formations techniques, stochastic optimization, effects of Grid Enhancenet Technologies, environmental regulation rules, just to name a few available capabilities.

P2X: co-optimized energy carriers

Growing dominance of low-cost but variable renewable generation calls for a better coordination across multiple energy carriers.  Costs and limitations of the storage of electric energy point to a need for conversion of electricity to storable fuels that could be on demand used to generate electricity. 

Improved integration of energy systems can:

  • Capture renewable generation in times of excess and convert to storable fuels.
  • Convert storable fuels to electricity in times of scarcity to improve reliability of power delivery..
  • Supply green fuel to other end-use sectors and support broader decarbonization efforts

ENELYTIX® users rely on the optimization and modeling P2X conversion in system expansion, production costing and resource adequacy frameworks.

Decarbonization planning and investments

Decarbonization leads to a fundamentally different energy system using energy production and conversion technologies that meet our energy needs while radically reducing GHG emissions.  This energy transition requires massive technological changes measured monetarily in trillions of dollars in annual investments.
These changes typically go well beyond “business as usual” scenarios addressable by narrowly focused planning tools incapable of adequately modeling the impact of decarbonization on the technology, topology, economics and reliability of decarbonized energy systems.